Stories from Strange Attractors have been recognized by these literary publications:
“Lost City,” winner of The Moth Short Story Prize 2021
"Strange Attractor," published in Juked, #18
"Muskellunge," published in Cagibi 2019: The Print Issue
“This One Is Okay,” published in Catamaran Literary Reader, Vol. 6, Issue 2
"Funster," published in Zone 3, Vol. 35, No. 1
"Antimatter," published in Potomac Review, #66
“Family of Two,” published in Valparaiso Fiction Review, Vol. 9, Issue 2
"Spinning Song," published in Emrys Journal, Vol. 37 ("Spinning Song" excerpt reading is at 56:20 of the video)
"Sick Beasts," published in Harvard Review Online
“String Theory and Other Animals,” published in Fiction, Number 65
Stories from The Decline of Pigeons, published by Queen's Ferry Press,
have appeared in these literary publications:
“Aurora” in The Carolina Quarterly, Vol 58, No. 3
“Nature” in the Ontario Review, No. 53
“Sailor Lake” in StoryQuarterly, No. 34
“Phoenix” in New Letters, Vol. 65, No. 2
“Repo Man” in CutBank, January 2010
“Dinosaurs” in The Sun, Issue 408
"Dinosaurs" is the lead story in the anthology New Stories from the Midwest
more info here: Ohio University Press, and a link to buy it on Amazon here, or buy it at IndieBound here